Hello people!
I really cant find anything helpfull in the internet. I'm trying to do this Soda Can POP open animation. My initial idea was to fill the object with water and as the cap of the can cracks into inside the water will be pushed out.
My problem is, that if i put this to solid outside - realflow somehow cant relate to my mesh. I think because of the opening cap ?
Furthermore if I put the mode to shell, the volume is only representing the last frame where the can is allready open (so the volume doesnt animate like the can itself does).
Here some Screenshots:
Can closed (shell Mode)
Can opened (shell mode)
I animated the Can by using a Pose Morph tag in c4d R20. After the animation was like I wanted it, I point cached the *lowpoly* model and put it into a subdivison surface.
The collider/ volume tags are on the subdivision surface object.
I also tried a Version without pointchaching it (leave the Pose Morph there), also tried it with cloth simulation object. I just cant find the right strategy to approch this Animation Idea.
I would be really thankfull for some help!
Btw. the only part where the points arent connected is where the cap will break into inside. On the picture you can see that some points still are attached to the cap (so this is all 1 object except for the opener and the fastener itself).
Opening Object (Soda Can) - correct Collider configuration
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- Joined: Tue May 05, 2020 12:33 pm
Opening Object (Soda Can) - correct Collider configuration
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- Posts: 24
- Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:32 am
Re: Opening Object (Soda Can) - correct Collider configuration
I would not care about the opener object at all. Instead, you could place an additional object shaped as needed (for example a simple cylinder), which only acts on the simulation as a plug, then de-activate it. The can would always be open in this case, with the opener/lid mechanism not acting as collider but added afterwards.
I would not care about the opener object at all. Instead, you could place an additional object shaped as needed (for example a simple cylinder), which only acts on the simulation as a plug, then de-activate it. The can would always be open in this case, with the opener/lid mechanism not acting as collider but added afterwards.