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meltShader and different fluid emitters

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:50 am
by upp2

I am using two emitters for pouring one kind of fluid into another, meshing them together and shading them differently using your melt shader for mental ray. But there is a problem with the mesh - whenever I do any modification to the mesh (smoothing, deformers, etc.) and play the animation, the melt shader returns an error and mental ray renders just blank frame. Is there any way around this problem? Any way that maya shape node retains melt shader information after modification? Could I write the emitter id into some UV space in bin export central and then use ramps instead of your melt shader?

Thanks a lot!

Re: meltShader and different fluid emitters

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:30 pm
by Mihnea
There is no way to use the melt shader on a smoothed/deformed mesh because Maya doesn't know how to treat the custom attribute that we use to store the weights. That attribute is only meaningful to the mental ray exporter. The smooth node for example would have to know that the attribute stores per-vertex values and interpolate them to obtain new weights for the vertices it added, but it's not designed that way.

We can make the plug-in write fluid weights inside an UV set, but then we can only support two fluids (or we can make numFluids/2 extra UV sets). Would this work for you?

Re: meltShader and different fluid emitters

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:32 pm
by upp2
For now two fluids would work just fine! The more UVsets option would be even better for future use (you never know how many fluids the clients will request next time ;) )

Re: meltShader and different fluid emitters

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:44 pm
by upp2
catching-up regarding that plugin/uv change:
how is the progress right now?