Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

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Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

Post by Borgu » Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:14 am

Anybody had any luck getting Mist to render using RFRK in Lightwave? I simulated the Hybrido Waterfall example that came with RealFlow. I can import the resulting fluid mesh and the splash / foam particles fine and they appear and render.

I can import the mist particles too using the Cloud tab in the RFRK window. When I do that it adds a Mist object, but no display in the viewport. In object properties it adds a 'RFRK Cloud Display' to the Geometry tab, it adds a 'RealFlow Renderkit Cloud' to the Deform tab and under Volumetrics it adds a 'RFRK Cloud Volumetric'. It's clearly loading the .f3d files but When I hit render nothing appears.

I tried a bunch of different settings, Hypervoxels etc. (When I hypervoxel it adds one particle at the origin, but that's it).

I imported the same particles into Houdini using RFRK and the mist is renderable so I know the simulation itself is fine, but I prefer Lightwave for the render speed.

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Re: Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

Post by tsn » Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:46 pm

There was a bug in C4D's code for rendering mist and it's been fixed with the latest version from last Thursday (15.8.). Since the C4D and LW RFRK's are created by the same developer it's very likely that this is exactly the same bug. I don't know if the new RFRK has this bug fixed, but please give it a try. The new version can be downloaded from the customer portal. If it's not working, please get back and I'll inform the developer.

Thanks for reporting this and sorry for the inconvenience.

Thomas Schlick | Next Limit Technologies

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Re: Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

Post by Borgu » Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:58 pm

Looking at the website it appears the latest RFRK plugin for Lightwave is 1.1.2 and it was posted last Wednesday. Looked like C4D's latest plugin is 1.1.4 and was also posted last Wednesday (Aug. 14) according to the website.

I installed the 1.1.2 plugin but I'm still not seeing any kind of Cloud display in the viewport or the Mist rendered when I try to render. Is there a 1.1.4 Lightwave plugin forthcoming?

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Re: Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

Post by tsn » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:04 am

The bug with mist has been only reported for C4D so far, and was fixed after a few days. The LW bug will be fixed as well ASAP.
Thomas Schlick | Next Limit Technologies

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Re: Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

Post by Borgu » Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:53 am

Any word on this fix? The plugins for lightwave haven't been updated since this post.

Compheto Compheto
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Re: Rendering Mist (Clouds) in Lightwave

Post by Compheto Compheto » Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:56 pm


Realflow 11 when?

Bug density .vdb...
Bug velocity splash, foam etc...

#Please no plugs in Maya.

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