My Wish List

Is there anything that you would like to see in future versions of RealFlow?
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My Wish List

Post by kobataro » Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:29 am

We just finished the feature film project and I was thinking of these few features might be nice to have in future version of RF.

*Enabling keyframe animation for plugin daemons & particleMeshRK (if possible, FPS output)
-This can be animated using those pos,rot,scale to connect those att via simulation event... but i think it is not smart idea...

*Object killer daemon
-Like Mr.Dragonsprit explains here and here

*Adding Simple vertex Editor(extrude... smooth...if possible)
-at least, those RF5 simple object's mesh Editor are nice...

*Visibility mesh
-Am I just the only one needing this? Renaming mesh can solve everything thogh...

*camera kill daemon
-Basic idea is simply simulation will be a bit faster for those "still shot" by killing particles which are out of camera.
i tried with exporting cam area mesh(which is x1.2 wider) to kill particles using kCollision, but it seems very slow(only 1 core was used). So I end up with, placing kVolumes to kill particle, the result was x2 faster. If this daemon can control depth, camera scale, and.. animated camera movement inside RF5 (if possible!!) i would be greateful!! disadvantage of this is emitter needs to be inside cam though i found this seems to be usedful.

*[3dsMax plugin] Mesh time Graph (not integer one's which can interpolate frame and frame)
-It is NOT the best way to "retime RF Mesh". However for some situations, we are asked to retime existing mesh to avoid some sort of "linear fluid animation"... Only the way is to go back to the past and use Krakatoa PRT loader to retime particle sim then mesh it in RF5, which requires double amount of HD space (for highspeed requires more...) a bit of time. Im thinking of it is greateful that if this can be done within 3dsMax MeshLoader(like Krakatoa's graph parameter).

Thanks for reading, and thanks for such a great product!!


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